I'll dance all night I'll dance the pain away
I'll dance until the morning sun Graces us with day
I'll dance until I'm numb Until I don't feel anymore
I'll dance until I'm gone And don't remember what I'm dancing for I'll dance until you love me I'll dance the rest of my life I'll dance until you return By the moon's gentle light I'll dance to the music Of my shattering heart I'll dance until it doesn't hurt As you tear me apart

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

ADUH , ! memory kene virus .

habis semua vid dance aku . kusut kowt , pastu ada vid time new years :( bnyak kenangan kowt . ni semua madi punye pasal . umm tp xpe la bnda nak jadi kan nak buat mcm ner , adeh ! terima je la. VIRUS nape kau mesti ada kat dunia ni !

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